Production Design 

Behind the scene photos 


Paper Lanterns, Production Design Consultant  (2023)   @paperlanternsfilm

Paint over, Production Designer and Wardrobe (2022)    @paintovershortfilm 

Memoria, Set Decorator (2021)                                              @trackmemoriafilm

Cartography, Set Decorator (2021)                                        @cartographyfilm

The Pine still Whispers, Set Decorator (2021)                    @thepinesstillwhisper

Esmerald Ring, Production Designer (2020)

Natalie,  Art Director (2018)

                                    Paper Lanterns (2023)

Lookbook and visual documents: 

Production Design Lookbook.pdf

Production Design and Wardrobe: Paint over (2022)

Production Design.pdf

Basic concept / references for Esmerald Ring (2020)

Untitled presentation
Lookbook- concept for Feather pillow .pdf

The feather pillow- Concept Lookbook.