
                                        Script to screen: a scene from Duet (2023)


Wrote script fot  film Duet  (2023)

Wrote award winning documentary I am Latina (2021)

On set Script Supervisor for Thesis film Holding on to You (2022)

Film Reviewer

BFTV - Sheridan College - Intership position

Watched and reviewed Students short films participants of

the CILECT awards. (2022)

Script Writer

Sheridan Production House

Adapted case studies addressing important issues surrounding

domestic violence with immigrants into a serie of short

documentaries. (2021) 

 Co-writer and Story Editor 

Proofread, story edited and co-wrote a theatre play  (Alas de luna) on the topic of social justice, women empowerment and educational values.  (2020)


                                                                                                                  I am Latina (2021) Outline.